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Three Seas region – report

Three Seas region – report

August 20th, 2019 by

Three Seas area is made up of countries that collectively have higher economic growth compared to developed markets; this is a typical feature of emerging markets, but with the great advantage of being institutionally more stable than typical emerging markets and located within the European Community territory. 

The GDP of the Three Seas countries is expected to increase by 35% in the period 2018 – 2030, and the region’s share in GDP of the entire EU should increase from 11% to 13%. 

The share of the Three Seas countries in projects financed by the European Fund for Strategic Investments is about 14% (compared to the 11% share of the Three Seas in EU GDP). 

The advantage of the Three Seas region is the number of inhabitants – about 111 million or 22% of the population of the entire European Union. 

Perspectives for infrastructural investments in the Three Seas region (Report by SpotData, 2019).

Read the full version of the report. download

The Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund officially established

July 7th, 2019 by

On the 5th of June, during the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Ljubljana, CEOs of Polish Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and EximBank Romania officially announced the establishment of The Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund. The Fund will focus on transport, energy and digital infrastructure projects in the Three Seas region. 

On the 29th of May Polish Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) and Romanian EximBank signed incorporation act in Luxembourg. The fund is going to operate under Luxembourg law on commercial basis and market principles. 

The Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund will carry out projects in areas that have been identified as priorities for the Three Seas region. These are sustainable transport infrastructure (i.e. railways, inland waterways, ports, and motorways); the energy sector and digital infrastructure. 

The Fund is to enhance other financing sources, such as national resources of individual countries in the region or the EU funds. The investment strategy assumes the possibility to invest in various projects at various stages of advancement.  

The Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund will support and supplement the EU programs and also will strengthen the competitiveness of the EU itself.